Illness Scripts
This website is just a way for me to organise some thoughts about what I am learning in medical school. Sources are primarily Merck Manual Professional Version and UpToDate.
This is NOT medical advice. I am not a physician. If you are require medical advice, please contact a medical provider like your primary care physician. They probably miss you. :'(
PCOS is a ovulatory dysfunction resulting in irregular menses and androgen excess. It is diagnosed clinically and confirmed with blood tests (for androgen) and ultrasound (for polycystic ovaries). It is treated with oral contraceptives.
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Peptic ulcer disease is when ulcers that go through the muscularis mucosae form in the gastrointestinal mucosa, presenting as burning epigastric pain relieved with oral intake. It is diagnosed with endoscopy and treated with acid suppression and addressing the cause of the ulcers (either H. pylori or NSAID overuse).
Plantar Fascitis
Plantar fascitis is the inflammation and degeneration of the plantar aponeurosis, presenting as pain worse with weight-bearing. It is diagnosed clinically and treated with activity modification, stretching, and orthotics.
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
Preeclampsia is a gestational complication presenting as hypertension and organ damage. It is diagnosed with blood pressure monitoring and labs. It is ultimately treated with delivery.
Pulmonic Stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis is a valvulopathy due to the pulmonic valve obstructing blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery, presenting with similar symptoms to aortic stenosis. It is diagnosed with echocardiography and treated with balloon valvuloplasty if disease is severe.
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is a skeletal injury due to weakening of the femoral physis. It is diagnosed with x-ray and treated with screw fixation.
Tinea Versicolour (Pityriasis Versicolour)
Tinea versicolour is a fungal skin infection leading to discoloured macules often seen during summer months. It is diagnosed with a KOH preparation and treated with a topical antifungal.
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the colonic mucosa, presenting with bloody diarrhea, arthritis, and mild abdominal cramps. It is diagnosed with colonoscopy and treated with immunosuppresants and surgery.