Measles is a viral infection characterised by Koplik spots during the prodome and rash during the active infection. It is diagnosed clinically and confirmed by serology or RT-PCR. It is treated supportively.
- Paramyxovirus infection
- Spread by respiratory secretions until rash desquamates
Contextual Factors
- Unvaccinated
- 134000 deaths annually, oftne due to complications such as pneumonia
Clinical Manifestation
- Fever
- Coryza
- Hacking cough
- Tarsal conjunctivitis
- Koplik spots - looks like grains of white sand surrounded by red areolae
Active Infection
- Macular rash originating at the ears and side of neck
- Develops papules
- Rash spreads to trunk and extremities including palms and soles
- Fades from face
- Severe: petechiae or ecchymoses
- Pneumonia
- Acute thrombocytopenic purpura
- Encephalitis
- Transient hepatitis
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
- Clinical (findings of Koplik spots or rash with correlative history)
- Lab testing required for public health tracking
- Serology
- Viral culture or RT-PCR
- Supportive care
- Isolation for 4 days after rash development
- Vitamin A
Age (months) | Vitamin A Dose (IU) |
< 6 | 50000 |
6-11 | 100000 |
>= 12 | 200000 |